...No, it's every possible superhero you can imagine!
Following my last post, the 'Fairy-Tale Trend' now we have the 'Super-Hero Trend'!
This year four movies about guys in tight outfits who think that with 'great power comes great responsibility' are heading our way. It's:
Batman and the
Men (Go feminism!).
All these movies are part of an serie or of a serie reboot, and what is also a fun little detail is that despite that all these movies are American and based on American comics, all the hero's are played by men from across the ocean.
There is Henry Cavill (The
Tudors) an Englishman who plays Superman in
Man of Steel', the British Andrew Garfield (
The Social Network) who will play Spiderman in
'The Amazing Spiderman'.
Batman from
'Dark Knight Rises' is Christian Bale (from
Batman, duh) from Wales and finally from
X-Men: First Class we have the Scottish James McAvoy (
Atonement) and the German Michael Fassbender (
Inglourious Bastards) who will be playing Professor X and Magneto.
Spiderman and
X-Men are prequels to the already existing series, and they take place when the main characters are still young and discovering their powers.
I am most looking forward to the
X-Men, I've got a secret weakness for that serie, I think it's a very promising cast and I kind of like prequels; it's fun to see how they trie to explain how everything came about.
Check out the latest picture of the cast of the X-Men. At the right we have James McAvoy, the left one is Michael Fassbender and (for a little 'what the hell' moment) behind James, the blue one is Jennifer Lawrence, who's friends (I suspect) are really making fun of her now.